Confused about the difference between Botox and Dysport? You’ve come to the right place! At Absolute Beauty Company in Scottsdale, we’re experts at injectables and we’d love to help you decide whether Botox or Dysport is right for you.
“Our desire is to provide our clients with extremely satisfying results at the best possible prices”
First, we’ll start with their similarities. Botox and Dysport are both immobilizers, meaning they prevent movement in the area where they are injected. Common treatment areas include the forehead, between the eyebrows, and other parts of the face where wrinkles develop. Depending on your unique patient profile, including treatment goals and recommendations from our professional staff, you can expect your results from Dysport or Botox to last between three and six months.
Immobilizers are prescription drugs developed from Botulinum toxin type A, a neurotoxin which sounds scary but is very safe when administered by a licensed healthcare professional in a sterile setting. You can trust the experts at Absolute Beauty Company to adhere to industry safety standards when treating clients with Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and other injectables. These drugs are FDA-approved and have been widely used to for years to treat a variety of cosmetic and medical conditions.

If both Dysport and Botox are made from the same substance, what makes them different? The key differences between these two drugs are their manufacturer, dosage, and cost.
Botox is the name brand of immobilizer produced by a manufacturer called Allergan; in addition to Botox, Allergan also distributes many other widely-used cosmetic and wellness products including Juvederm, Latisse, and Restasis. Dysport is the name brand of a similar product from manufacturer Galderma, which also distributes the aesthetic injectables Sculptra and Restylane. Each manufacturer offers a rewards program for brand-loyal clients (ASPIRE Galderma Rewards and Allergan’s Brilliant Distinctions).